Thursday 23 April 2015

Evaluation Question Three (What have I learned from audience feedback?)


I used the social media site, Facebook to ask people for feedback on my music video and the overall response was positive however I found that James found the story line difficult to follow. This means that if I had time to alter my video I would change the narrative to make it easier to understand. Fabian, (far left in the focus group) also commented on the narrative by saying that he didn't like it. This shows that I would need to make the story more action filled as a music video is only a few minutes long and should be more action than establishing shots when trying to put forward an action-esque narrative. Katie and Hannah in the focus group both said that they enjoyed the narrative and liked that it ended on a cliff hanger, which made me think that I wouldn't need to twee my narrative too much if I was to redo my music video as just as many people did enjoy the narrative as those that did not.
            Hannah said that she liked that my music video built up tension when it was supposed to. This shows that my video has my desired effect, which was to emulate a horror film. While I was showing the group my video, Hannah said that it was spooky and Katie asked if something scary was going to pop up. These comments showed me that the iconography of using dark shots accomplished through low key lighting and the luma keyer tool on Final Cut Pro X, I have created a convincing horror film aesthetic.
           Luke said that he liked the use of my canted angle and also a few other shots that I used in my video, which showed me that if I was to redo my video, I would use more shots like that to help create a realistic horror film look through the use of semiotics in a similar fashion to Michael Jackson's Thriller video.
           The focus group complimented my mise en scene, specifically location and costume, which I worked hard on. This helped me to realize that choosing these locations and costume designs was worth all the hard work as it was all appreciated by the audience, which will make it a popular music video.
          There is one shot in the video when Jake, (the gas mask character) waves his hands in the air as he couldn't keep up with Georgia while she was skipping. I didn't like this however I felt that the shot was essential to the narrative so i had to use it. Jake, Georgia and Fabian all picked up on this shot which shows that it is very noticeable. If i had time I would have re-shot that scene as I only had one take of it and I didn't realize the error until it came to editing and I had a larger screen to view the footage back on. If I was to remake my music video, I would make sure to do every shot at least twice just in case something went wrong in the first one.
          During editing, I realized that I didn't have enough footage to fill the whole 5 minutes 10 seconds so I used the cutting tool in final cut to cut out bits of the song so that it was shorter and I'd find it easier to fill the song with footage. Jake asked me if I could cut the song down so that I could get rid of the shot of him waving his arms which showed me that my cutting of the music was seamless and that it couldn't be noticed. This means I did a good job of it as people didn't listen to it and think that the music sounded strange, which as a music video would not be good.  


I was unsure about the lightning on my digipak as it was neon coloured and I wasn't really happy with how it turned out, however Fabian and Katie both said that they liked it which shocked me as I expected that I would need to take it out after showing my digipak to people. Audience feedback showed me that I should keep the lightning in and that some of the things that I am not happy with may appeal to other people and vice versa.
           This being said, the focus group said that the colours on my ancillary texts were too bright for the mood of my music video so I will need to change them to make them darker and more in keeping with the horror genre. Luke did mention that he agreed that the colours match the conventions of dubstep however he also said that they do not match the tone of my music video.
          The focus group couldn't read the font that the artists name was written in, which shows that I need to change it as that is the main thing that my product is trying to get across in order to sell the album. I will make the font easier to read but also try to keep a graffiti style font as I liked that and it is conventional of genre.  


Overall, audience feedback helped me to realize that my three products do work well together however I need to change the colours of the ancillary texts as they are too bright to suit the mood of the music video. So in conclusion, I need to change the colours of my ancillary texts as they don't match my videos's established tone. I will probably use darker colours such as red or purple.

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